Jingle All the Way Gazette
We had a reporter come visit us at the North Pole and she asked Santa what are some tips he could pass along to all of the "Jingle All the Way Gazette" readers. We elves got together and decided these tips are worth passing along to all of our friends this year.
We even have articles written about us in The Columbian and The Reflector.
Tips from Santa:
I am Lactose Tolerant. Remember, REAL milk instead of that fake stuff!
My favorite cookie on Christmas Eve: The one most easily reached; ESPECIALLY if it’s homemade!
Landing fees and hazardous reindeer waste fees are simply too much in Washington state this year. Thankfully, Rudolph has graciously offered to take me to and from my visits with all my friends so I don’t need to bring all my reindeer and keep them at my Chalet during visiting hours.
The best Christmas Lists ALWAYS include:
No more than 4 things. 15 pages is simply TOO much!
Pictures! I LOVE to look at your drawings! The more stickers and color, the better!
At least ONE thing you plan to give (or do!) for someone else.
Your signature. It’s hard enough for my elves to enter everything into my brand-new Elf-O-Tron 2.0 database. It's even HARDER if you don't put down your name! Besides, I always like to see how your handwriting has improved from last year.
If I need to make a "copy" of your list so you can take it back home with you, please let my helper know. Some lists are priceless!
There is only ONE Santa Claus. It is up to YOU to decide which one is the real one.
We elves also want to know if there are any other tips that would be helpful for Santa to give the reporter to add to her story that is coming out in next week's Gazette!